Saturday, August 21, 2010

this is easy hits 

Type Of Muscle Aches?

A number of factors can lead to aching muscles. They can be divided into the following 3 categories:- Muscle aches caused by overuse- Muscle aches caused by illness, disease, or disorders- Muscle aches caused by medications.Muscle aches caused by overuse.Muscle aches are most commonly caused by overexertion. Maybe you simply pushed yourself too hard at the gym, moved some furniture around, or helped a friend move into a new house.

If you just overused a muscle the pain should go away in a few days. This muscle pain is also called as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), because the aching commences 24-72 hours after the physical activity. These aches usually manifest themselves in a single, or a few specific muscles. It is simple to pinpoint the cause of bicep pain if you upped your dumbbell weight at the gym yesterday, or the particular quadriceps, hamstring, and gluteal pain from a increased set of squats and lunges.

The precise cause of DOMS is still not certain, but two main theories preside. The first theory is that lactic acid buildup in the muscles causes the soreness. The second, and newer theory, is that the pain is caused by the muscle actually repairing itself. Many think that overstrain causes tiny tears in the muscle fibers. Fluid then enters the tears and causes the muscle cells to swell thus causing the aches. The treatment for this muscle pain is identical no matter which theory you believe:- Relaxation and rest- Warming up and stretching before you exercise, and cooling down afterwards- A good nightýs sleep- Ibuprofen (Aleve) or acetaminophen (Tylenol)- Alternating between hot and cold treatments directly to the muscle- Drinking lots of water. This kind of muscle ache should cease within 3-5 days. If the muscle pain continues it could be an indicator that there is a more serious problem, and could require medical attention.

The more serious condition could be a strain, sprain, torn muscle, or dislocated disk or joint. If you question that your muscle pain could be more serious than simple overuse you should call your doctor immediately.Muscle aches caused by illness, disease, or disorders.If you have muscle pain with no obvious cause it could be a symptom of a medical problem. You should call a doctor as soon as possible if your muscle pain remains beyond 3-5 days, it abruptly becomes severe or sharp, if you notice a rash or any sign of infection near the sore muscle, or if you become nauseous, begin vomiting or have a stiff neck or high fever.

General muscle aches could simply be a side effect of having the flu, or might be indicators of a more serious medical condition. Muscle aches might be a symptom caused by:- Infections, such as: Influenza, an abscess in the muscle, Lyme disease, Trichinosis, Malaria, Polio, Rocky Mountain spotted fever- Fibromyalgia- Arthritis- Thyroid disorders- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome- Dermatomyositis- Polymyositis- Polymyositis rheumatica- Lupus- Diabetes- Circulatory disorders- Electrolyte imbalancesThese are just a handful of the scores of conditions that could lead to muscle aches. Your doctor can offer the proper treatment to deal with these conditions.

Muscle aches caused by medications.It is also possible that your muscle aches might be a side effect of some medications. If the aches commence shortly after beginning, or altering a medication regimen, you must call your doctor to ask if it might be a side effect of your medication. The most common types of medications that can cause muscle aches are statins for lowering cholesterol, and ACE inhibitors for lowering blood pressure. It is also possible that you might have some muscle pain after getting a vaccination.

Do Different Liquids Produce Different Levels Of Urine Science Fair Projects

The hypothesis for this science fair project is that sugary liquids produce less urine then salty liquids do. The dependent variable in this hypothesis is the amount of urine produced and the independent variable in this hypothesis is the type of liquid that is drunk.

Supplies Needed

This science fair project will need several key pieces of equipment. First of all the student will need at least six to twelve test subjects that are generally healthy. The student will then need a urine collection and measuring device for each of their test subjects. These can be picked up at a medical supply company. The students will also need collection sheets which will be handed out to each test subject. Latex gloves can also be used when collecting urine volume samples.

The Experiment

To start with the student will need to conduct a control experiment. This will create a baseline of data to compare test results to. The control experiment will basically see how much urine is normally produced by each test subject on a daily basis. To collect this data each test subject will be given a urine volume collection container that fits into their toilet. They will then write down the volume of urine that they eliminate from their bodies on a daily basis over a week.
The test experiment will begin by dividing test subjects into two groups. Group A will be given sugary drinks and Group B will be given salty drinks. Each group will be assigned the same volume of liquid. The test subjects will be instructed not to drink anything other than their experiment liquids during the day. They will then monitor their urine output during test day 1, 2 and 3. The groups will then be given the other liquid type and the will be tested for another three days.

Data Analysis

The analysis of the data will involve several steps. First of all the students will need to organize the data by finding the average urine output for each test subject in the control experiment. This will create the baseline data. Next the average urine volume output for each test subject will be calculated for the sugary drink test. Finally the average urine volume output for each test subject will be calculated for the salty drink test. The results will be compared. Students will need to look for trends that indicate that the sugary drinks lead to a higher urine output change compared to the control than the salty drinks did to prove the hypothesis could be true. Otherwise the hypothesis is false

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Resveratrol & Red Wine Extend Life 46%

A Harvard Medical School professor says "The red wine chemical resveratrol extends the life of every organism we give it to." Dramatic human proof of this comes from reports of a 46% longer life span in Burgundy France. High levels of resveratrol are found in the grape skins of the Burgundy red grapes. Burgundy is a tough growing climate environment and grapes that survive here have especially high resveratrol content. The Monrovian purple grape appears to have 25 times more resveratrol than other grapes.
Here is a Reuter's news report coming from researchers at Brown University and the University of Connecticut: "What we have done is to find the molecules that potentially extend the life spans of people, not just their health spans".
Resveratrol is a buzz word in health science research. In the past 10 years over 500 medical research studies were performed. These studies consistently demonstrate that life expectancy can be increased an estimated 25 to 35 years.
How does resveratrol work? It stimulates a longevity gene. This triggers a defense enzyme that increases the individual's ability to repair itself.
Oxidative damage is the chief cause of destructive aging and resveratrol is also a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent this.
By preventing oxidative damage the genetic code (DNA) is preserved from a more rapid, age related destruction.
It is also interesting that in Sardinia Italy they have one of the highest life expectancies in the world. They consume a little red wine daily from an early age.
Red wine consumption is not an excuse to overindulge and create the health hazards of increased cardiovascular risk and cirrhosis of the liver. Resveratrol supplements are appearing in health food stores and supplement sources.

What are the health benefits that resveratrol researchers are finding?
" Reduced heart attacks
" Less damage from strokes
" Improved cognition
" Less fat accumulation
" Enhanced immune system against viruses
" Reduced cancers
" Youthful endurance and physical activity
" Youthful appearance
Recent animal studies show that increasing the levels of resveratrol increases the number of mitochondria inside all cells of the body. The significance of this is that mitochondria are the energy factories for individual cells.
One benefit of increasing the number of mitochondria is the reduction of fat. The more efficient the energy production, the more efficient the fat burn by these energy factories.
The second benefit of increased resveratrol is activation of the longevity gene. (This is clearly proven by longevity studies on humans). Where there are high levels of resveratrol, long term, this means as much as a 46% increase in life expectancy…as was shown in Burgundy, France.
This longevity gene, SIRT1, promotes better glucose and insulin control which translates into more energy and less fat gain and diabetes.

According to Dr. Mark Stengler in his Bottom Line Natural Healing Newsletter of January 09, metabolism and weight control greatly benefit from resveratrol.
Much current research is now being done. Preliminary studies show two areas of why longevity is extended. The first is believed due to the activity of the longevity gene, SIRT1; it is stimulated and activated. The second is co-related to oxidative damage…the mother of all degenerative diseases.

Robb and others in their research on the biochemistry and biophysics (published in that journal) found a 14 fold increase in the activity of MnSOD (SOD2). The significance of this is that it reduces oxidative damage due to free radicals. (loose electrons). This inhibits heart disease, cancer and all the other inflammatory, degenerative diseases that shorten your life.
SOD2 confers resistance to mitochondrial dysfunction and thereby directly helps heart strength. The mitochondria are the energy factories in all cells. The heart muscle needs at least 4 to 5 times the amount of energy that other cells need. Heart failure is reduced as well as definitely reducing the inflammatory effect of the free radicals.
Heart failure, due to lack of energy from the mitochondria, plus inflammatory atherosclerosis, are the primary factors in heart disease. Resveratrol enormously reduces heart disease. Resveratrol is the most plausible reason for increased life expectancy. (It inhibits other degenerative diseases, thereby also extending longevity)
In animal studies, mice fed unhealthy fats and free radical damaging diets, confirm that indeed oxidative damage was reduced by resveratrol and life expectancy was increased. In other words, in spite of a lousy diet with exposure to free radicals, the resveratrol supplemented mice lived longer and had more physical endurance.
All degenerative diseases benefit from the reduction of free radicals; they are paramount to all degenerative diseases. A heart healthy diet and good supplements make sense for staying healthy and living longer.
The dramatic extension of longevity has caused the phenomenon in Burgundy to be called the "French Paradox". It is a paradox because of the high fat, poor diet consumed by the Burgundy residents; yet they have a better cardiovascular health than most Westerners…residents of the U.S.A.

Some scientists began to question is resveratrol alone the full cause of increased longevity? It turns out there is evidence of another factor.

Dr. Jay Rowen, M.D. reports in his June 2009 newsletter, Second Opinion, that there appears to another factor in the red wine that contributes to longevity. It comes to light from research done at the University of California in Davis. Dr. Andrew Waterhouse, professor there, reports that ingredients called saponins are not only present in the resveratrol but also in the wine itself. They come from the wax in the wine skins.
Research shows that the saponins are plant sterols that are similar to cholesterol but are not harmful, but helpful to your health in two ways. They substitute for the cholesterol, hindering accumulation of it in the arteries and they are antioxidants that reduce inflammation. Antioxidants reduce free radical damage that affects your DNA and genetic code. Damaged DNA produces sick cells that lead to all kinds of degenerative diseases.
Dr. Stengler quotes a colleague, Carrie Doenell, N.D., this: "Energy and weight loss improve in 75% of those taking supplemental resveratrol." Researcher, Dr. Doenell recommends taking 125 mg of resveratrol daily as a preventative measure.

Brain Models: Uses And Advantages

The human brain is the most complex organ in the human body. It is also one of the most critical parts about which even doctors and medical professionals are still quite a lot in the dark. Prolonged researches have bought out many important theories but that is not sufficient; it is still an ongoing process.
The human brain is the seat of thinking. It helps us to rationalize, plan and think, besides monitoring all the activities of the body. If the heart continues to beat while the brain stops functioning, the person is said to be in a state of coma and is as good as dead. Hence, we realize the importance of brain and its functions.
However, limited knowledge in this area makes it difficult for medical professionals to treat patients who suffer from disorders in the brain. Medical students and doctors can gain more knowledge about the various parts of the brain and how they function by reading books and from information gathered from the Internet.
Medical practitioners and junior doctors often face problem in studying the anatomy of the brain as they may not get the opportunity to actually dissect a brain for studying. This problem can be easily solved by a human brain model.
A brain model is a replica of the human brain and its various parts. Such medical brain models help doctors and interns to study the anatomy of human brain at close quarters.
Though the brain is protected by thick bones of the skull, it is still prone to injuries. External injuries are easy to handle, but undetected internal injuries in any part of the brain can be life threatening. The inability to understand and treat on time, the complexities that are a result of internal brain hemorrhage or strokes, may result in loss of many lives. A human brain model can help doctors and students to learn more about the brain, so as to treat patients successfully.
Uses of Human Brain Models
· Brain models help in the study of the brain’s anatomy and arterial blood supply. For example, a sensory motor half brain model is best to study the features of the right half of the brain. On the other hand, a hands-on-pass-around life size brain model with arteries is perfect to study arterial blood supply.
· With ready-to-use brain models at hand, it becomes a lot easier to study the different parts of the brain like forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain and its associated parts.
· Doctors can easily make patients understand the problem related to any part of the brain with the use of a brain model.
· Medical students can examine and relate the pictures and information in the books with the brain anatomy shown in the model.
· Brain models are often labeled, making it easy for students to learn about the brain.
· Human brain models like a 'Diseased Brain in Skull Model' comes dissected and in detachable parts so that the cross section helps in studying the various anomalies in the brain like stroke, migraine, Parkinson's disease, etc.
· Apart from the various parts of the brain, a study of the neurostructures is also crucial for doctors and medical students. The Giant Regional Brain Model is perfect for this. Apart from the 120 labeled and numbered neurostructures, this model focuses on parietal, occipital and front lobes, brain stem and motor, limbic cortices and the cerebellum.

Advantages of Using Medical Brain Models:
· Low on budget

· Non-breakable and colorful

· Lightweight models made of vinyl plastic

· Easy to clean and maintain

· Accurately labeled

· Detachable parts, so easy to reassemble and store

Thus, we can see that a well designed human brain model facilitates the study of the anatomy of the human brain and its various parts

Is It Possible To Cure Swine Flu With Marijuana?

Probably, this debate will never end, and with no specific argument from any side, it can persist for hundreds of years. However, a recent study has displayed the validity of marijuana as a medication, showing a new angle that has to be considered in the entire argument around legalizing marijuana.
Over the last few years, studies have displayed that the growth of marijuana seeds can be more helpful, than just making people high, and one might go so far as to dispute that it might be a drug that can save lives. Medical Marijuana

Medical properties of marijuana were discovered in the prevention of diseases in old age, curing headaches, and diabetes management. Another recent research demonstrates that it might probably reduce the risk of dying in swine flu patients.
The latest epidemic of flu that cause worldwide alert was the H1N1 virus, widely known as swine flu. While the rate of deaths in this epidemic didn’t get high, the virus induced alert and anxiety throughout the entire world. A recent research on the employment of marijuana as a medicine for surviving swine flu has demonstrated some curious results.
Cannabis Science Incorporated has been maintaining a research on the utilizations of marijuana seeds and marijuana as such. Marijuana is still unlawful in the UK, but the seeds of cannabis, in their uncultivated form, can be legally purchased. A lot of people consider this the first step towards legalizing marijuana.
There was another research maintained by Cannabis Science Incorporated, which was aimed on the potential medical use of phytocannabinoids contained in the seeds of cannabis. These marijuana plant’s components have shown to lower inflammation. This could be a revolutionary discovery in the lookout for a swine flu medicine, as the primary reason of death in swine flu patients is asphyxiation, which significantly involves the lung inflammation. And in case these phytocannabinoids might truly lower inflammation, they also might essentially reduce the opportunity of dying among swine flu patients.

Phytocannabinoids contained in marijuana seeds have the effect and structure similar to those of endocannabisnoids that naturally in the organism to manage inflammation. Consuming marijuanawould permit phytocannabinoids into the organism, and they in turn would imitate the response of the organism’s original controllers of inflammation. The human organism wouldn’t recognize the difference, since they are very similar.
In case it can be debated that cannabis can avert death from the swine flu, legalizing marijuana would be the next reasonable step. The marijuana seeds would have to be grown to produce the phytocannabinoids that might then be employed to avert death in flu patients. Probably, the recent study of marijuana’s medical value can cut the debate in favor of legalizing both marijuana seeds and marijuana as such