Thursday, August 12, 2010

Manglik Dosham/ Chevvai Dosham/ Kuja Dosham Remedies - Sri Selvam Siddhar

This error is caused by due to mars and this is not considered good for married life . i have researched on this yoga and this year i have one example where one client came to me and mars was in the 8 house with very bad position and when there was marriage of him they did not have match making and just got married remedy at all and when a bus carrying passenger of wedding there was a big accident and 45 passenger died and the man who was going for marriage he / himself with all of his family saved .

So i told him about chances of death and at the beginning he was checking me . When i told him truth about his life he trust me and start crying saying (he has also now good knowledge of vedic astrology ) that people in his village don't talk to them as he is blamed for that accident , everyone knows that everything is in God hand death and birth but i dont know why people blame others . he came to last Tuesday to me for remedy i have done one remedy for malefic influence of ketu . he is 2 married now and have a baby i checked his chart now and life is good now for him ..

But yes if they followed the proper vedic remedies and procedure hope that something can be changed in this case But it all is gods wish .
Astrology is like medical science that we can cure disease and can increase life span by doi


  1. his remedies have are always correct and helpful.i am truly grateful for his timely help

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. my boy friend have chevai dhosam and i have mangalik rasi is thulam and star is swathy,boy friend rasi is taurus ,star is chitiram.plz give some remedies.
