Saturday, August 21, 2010

this is easy hits 

Type Of Muscle Aches?

A number of factors can lead to aching muscles. They can be divided into the following 3 categories:- Muscle aches caused by overuse- Muscle aches caused by illness, disease, or disorders- Muscle aches caused by medications.Muscle aches caused by overuse.Muscle aches are most commonly caused by overexertion. Maybe you simply pushed yourself too hard at the gym, moved some furniture around, or helped a friend move into a new house.

If you just overused a muscle the pain should go away in a few days. This muscle pain is also called as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), because the aching commences 24-72 hours after the physical activity. These aches usually manifest themselves in a single, or a few specific muscles. It is simple to pinpoint the cause of bicep pain if you upped your dumbbell weight at the gym yesterday, or the particular quadriceps, hamstring, and gluteal pain from a increased set of squats and lunges.

The precise cause of DOMS is still not certain, but two main theories preside. The first theory is that lactic acid buildup in the muscles causes the soreness. The second, and newer theory, is that the pain is caused by the muscle actually repairing itself. Many think that overstrain causes tiny tears in the muscle fibers. Fluid then enters the tears and causes the muscle cells to swell thus causing the aches. The treatment for this muscle pain is identical no matter which theory you believe:- Relaxation and rest- Warming up and stretching before you exercise, and cooling down afterwards- A good nightýs sleep- Ibuprofen (Aleve) or acetaminophen (Tylenol)- Alternating between hot and cold treatments directly to the muscle- Drinking lots of water. This kind of muscle ache should cease within 3-5 days. If the muscle pain continues it could be an indicator that there is a more serious problem, and could require medical attention.

The more serious condition could be a strain, sprain, torn muscle, or dislocated disk or joint. If you question that your muscle pain could be more serious than simple overuse you should call your doctor immediately.Muscle aches caused by illness, disease, or disorders.If you have muscle pain with no obvious cause it could be a symptom of a medical problem. You should call a doctor as soon as possible if your muscle pain remains beyond 3-5 days, it abruptly becomes severe or sharp, if you notice a rash or any sign of infection near the sore muscle, or if you become nauseous, begin vomiting or have a stiff neck or high fever.

General muscle aches could simply be a side effect of having the flu, or might be indicators of a more serious medical condition. Muscle aches might be a symptom caused by:- Infections, such as: Influenza, an abscess in the muscle, Lyme disease, Trichinosis, Malaria, Polio, Rocky Mountain spotted fever- Fibromyalgia- Arthritis- Thyroid disorders- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome- Dermatomyositis- Polymyositis- Polymyositis rheumatica- Lupus- Diabetes- Circulatory disorders- Electrolyte imbalancesThese are just a handful of the scores of conditions that could lead to muscle aches. Your doctor can offer the proper treatment to deal with these conditions.

Muscle aches caused by medications.It is also possible that your muscle aches might be a side effect of some medications. If the aches commence shortly after beginning, or altering a medication regimen, you must call your doctor to ask if it might be a side effect of your medication. The most common types of medications that can cause muscle aches are statins for lowering cholesterol, and ACE inhibitors for lowering blood pressure. It is also possible that you might have some muscle pain after getting a vaccination.

Do Different Liquids Produce Different Levels Of Urine Science Fair Projects

The hypothesis for this science fair project is that sugary liquids produce less urine then salty liquids do. The dependent variable in this hypothesis is the amount of urine produced and the independent variable in this hypothesis is the type of liquid that is drunk.

Supplies Needed

This science fair project will need several key pieces of equipment. First of all the student will need at least six to twelve test subjects that are generally healthy. The student will then need a urine collection and measuring device for each of their test subjects. These can be picked up at a medical supply company. The students will also need collection sheets which will be handed out to each test subject. Latex gloves can also be used when collecting urine volume samples.

The Experiment

To start with the student will need to conduct a control experiment. This will create a baseline of data to compare test results to. The control experiment will basically see how much urine is normally produced by each test subject on a daily basis. To collect this data each test subject will be given a urine volume collection container that fits into their toilet. They will then write down the volume of urine that they eliminate from their bodies on a daily basis over a week.
The test experiment will begin by dividing test subjects into two groups. Group A will be given sugary drinks and Group B will be given salty drinks. Each group will be assigned the same volume of liquid. The test subjects will be instructed not to drink anything other than their experiment liquids during the day. They will then monitor their urine output during test day 1, 2 and 3. The groups will then be given the other liquid type and the will be tested for another three days.

Data Analysis

The analysis of the data will involve several steps. First of all the students will need to organize the data by finding the average urine output for each test subject in the control experiment. This will create the baseline data. Next the average urine volume output for each test subject will be calculated for the sugary drink test. Finally the average urine volume output for each test subject will be calculated for the salty drink test. The results will be compared. Students will need to look for trends that indicate that the sugary drinks lead to a higher urine output change compared to the control than the salty drinks did to prove the hypothesis could be true. Otherwise the hypothesis is false

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Resveratrol & Red Wine Extend Life 46%

A Harvard Medical School professor says "The red wine chemical resveratrol extends the life of every organism we give it to." Dramatic human proof of this comes from reports of a 46% longer life span in Burgundy France. High levels of resveratrol are found in the grape skins of the Burgundy red grapes. Burgundy is a tough growing climate environment and grapes that survive here have especially high resveratrol content. The Monrovian purple grape appears to have 25 times more resveratrol than other grapes.
Here is a Reuter's news report coming from researchers at Brown University and the University of Connecticut: "What we have done is to find the molecules that potentially extend the life spans of people, not just their health spans".
Resveratrol is a buzz word in health science research. In the past 10 years over 500 medical research studies were performed. These studies consistently demonstrate that life expectancy can be increased an estimated 25 to 35 years.
How does resveratrol work? It stimulates a longevity gene. This triggers a defense enzyme that increases the individual's ability to repair itself.
Oxidative damage is the chief cause of destructive aging and resveratrol is also a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent this.
By preventing oxidative damage the genetic code (DNA) is preserved from a more rapid, age related destruction.
It is also interesting that in Sardinia Italy they have one of the highest life expectancies in the world. They consume a little red wine daily from an early age.
Red wine consumption is not an excuse to overindulge and create the health hazards of increased cardiovascular risk and cirrhosis of the liver. Resveratrol supplements are appearing in health food stores and supplement sources.

What are the health benefits that resveratrol researchers are finding?
" Reduced heart attacks
" Less damage from strokes
" Improved cognition
" Less fat accumulation
" Enhanced immune system against viruses
" Reduced cancers
" Youthful endurance and physical activity
" Youthful appearance
Recent animal studies show that increasing the levels of resveratrol increases the number of mitochondria inside all cells of the body. The significance of this is that mitochondria are the energy factories for individual cells.
One benefit of increasing the number of mitochondria is the reduction of fat. The more efficient the energy production, the more efficient the fat burn by these energy factories.
The second benefit of increased resveratrol is activation of the longevity gene. (This is clearly proven by longevity studies on humans). Where there are high levels of resveratrol, long term, this means as much as a 46% increase in life expectancy…as was shown in Burgundy, France.
This longevity gene, SIRT1, promotes better glucose and insulin control which translates into more energy and less fat gain and diabetes.

According to Dr. Mark Stengler in his Bottom Line Natural Healing Newsletter of January 09, metabolism and weight control greatly benefit from resveratrol.
Much current research is now being done. Preliminary studies show two areas of why longevity is extended. The first is believed due to the activity of the longevity gene, SIRT1; it is stimulated and activated. The second is co-related to oxidative damage…the mother of all degenerative diseases.

Robb and others in their research on the biochemistry and biophysics (published in that journal) found a 14 fold increase in the activity of MnSOD (SOD2). The significance of this is that it reduces oxidative damage due to free radicals. (loose electrons). This inhibits heart disease, cancer and all the other inflammatory, degenerative diseases that shorten your life.
SOD2 confers resistance to mitochondrial dysfunction and thereby directly helps heart strength. The mitochondria are the energy factories in all cells. The heart muscle needs at least 4 to 5 times the amount of energy that other cells need. Heart failure is reduced as well as definitely reducing the inflammatory effect of the free radicals.
Heart failure, due to lack of energy from the mitochondria, plus inflammatory atherosclerosis, are the primary factors in heart disease. Resveratrol enormously reduces heart disease. Resveratrol is the most plausible reason for increased life expectancy. (It inhibits other degenerative diseases, thereby also extending longevity)
In animal studies, mice fed unhealthy fats and free radical damaging diets, confirm that indeed oxidative damage was reduced by resveratrol and life expectancy was increased. In other words, in spite of a lousy diet with exposure to free radicals, the resveratrol supplemented mice lived longer and had more physical endurance.
All degenerative diseases benefit from the reduction of free radicals; they are paramount to all degenerative diseases. A heart healthy diet and good supplements make sense for staying healthy and living longer.
The dramatic extension of longevity has caused the phenomenon in Burgundy to be called the "French Paradox". It is a paradox because of the high fat, poor diet consumed by the Burgundy residents; yet they have a better cardiovascular health than most Westerners…residents of the U.S.A.

Some scientists began to question is resveratrol alone the full cause of increased longevity? It turns out there is evidence of another factor.

Dr. Jay Rowen, M.D. reports in his June 2009 newsletter, Second Opinion, that there appears to another factor in the red wine that contributes to longevity. It comes to light from research done at the University of California in Davis. Dr. Andrew Waterhouse, professor there, reports that ingredients called saponins are not only present in the resveratrol but also in the wine itself. They come from the wax in the wine skins.
Research shows that the saponins are plant sterols that are similar to cholesterol but are not harmful, but helpful to your health in two ways. They substitute for the cholesterol, hindering accumulation of it in the arteries and they are antioxidants that reduce inflammation. Antioxidants reduce free radical damage that affects your DNA and genetic code. Damaged DNA produces sick cells that lead to all kinds of degenerative diseases.
Dr. Stengler quotes a colleague, Carrie Doenell, N.D., this: "Energy and weight loss improve in 75% of those taking supplemental resveratrol." Researcher, Dr. Doenell recommends taking 125 mg of resveratrol daily as a preventative measure.

Brain Models: Uses And Advantages

The human brain is the most complex organ in the human body. It is also one of the most critical parts about which even doctors and medical professionals are still quite a lot in the dark. Prolonged researches have bought out many important theories but that is not sufficient; it is still an ongoing process.
The human brain is the seat of thinking. It helps us to rationalize, plan and think, besides monitoring all the activities of the body. If the heart continues to beat while the brain stops functioning, the person is said to be in a state of coma and is as good as dead. Hence, we realize the importance of brain and its functions.
However, limited knowledge in this area makes it difficult for medical professionals to treat patients who suffer from disorders in the brain. Medical students and doctors can gain more knowledge about the various parts of the brain and how they function by reading books and from information gathered from the Internet.
Medical practitioners and junior doctors often face problem in studying the anatomy of the brain as they may not get the opportunity to actually dissect a brain for studying. This problem can be easily solved by a human brain model.
A brain model is a replica of the human brain and its various parts. Such medical brain models help doctors and interns to study the anatomy of human brain at close quarters.
Though the brain is protected by thick bones of the skull, it is still prone to injuries. External injuries are easy to handle, but undetected internal injuries in any part of the brain can be life threatening. The inability to understand and treat on time, the complexities that are a result of internal brain hemorrhage or strokes, may result in loss of many lives. A human brain model can help doctors and students to learn more about the brain, so as to treat patients successfully.
Uses of Human Brain Models
· Brain models help in the study of the brain’s anatomy and arterial blood supply. For example, a sensory motor half brain model is best to study the features of the right half of the brain. On the other hand, a hands-on-pass-around life size brain model with arteries is perfect to study arterial blood supply.
· With ready-to-use brain models at hand, it becomes a lot easier to study the different parts of the brain like forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain and its associated parts.
· Doctors can easily make patients understand the problem related to any part of the brain with the use of a brain model.
· Medical students can examine and relate the pictures and information in the books with the brain anatomy shown in the model.
· Brain models are often labeled, making it easy for students to learn about the brain.
· Human brain models like a 'Diseased Brain in Skull Model' comes dissected and in detachable parts so that the cross section helps in studying the various anomalies in the brain like stroke, migraine, Parkinson's disease, etc.
· Apart from the various parts of the brain, a study of the neurostructures is also crucial for doctors and medical students. The Giant Regional Brain Model is perfect for this. Apart from the 120 labeled and numbered neurostructures, this model focuses on parietal, occipital and front lobes, brain stem and motor, limbic cortices and the cerebellum.

Advantages of Using Medical Brain Models:
· Low on budget

· Non-breakable and colorful

· Lightweight models made of vinyl plastic

· Easy to clean and maintain

· Accurately labeled

· Detachable parts, so easy to reassemble and store

Thus, we can see that a well designed human brain model facilitates the study of the anatomy of the human brain and its various parts

Is It Possible To Cure Swine Flu With Marijuana?

Probably, this debate will never end, and with no specific argument from any side, it can persist for hundreds of years. However, a recent study has displayed the validity of marijuana as a medication, showing a new angle that has to be considered in the entire argument around legalizing marijuana.
Over the last few years, studies have displayed that the growth of marijuana seeds can be more helpful, than just making people high, and one might go so far as to dispute that it might be a drug that can save lives. Medical Marijuana

Medical properties of marijuana were discovered in the prevention of diseases in old age, curing headaches, and diabetes management. Another recent research demonstrates that it might probably reduce the risk of dying in swine flu patients.
The latest epidemic of flu that cause worldwide alert was the H1N1 virus, widely known as swine flu. While the rate of deaths in this epidemic didn’t get high, the virus induced alert and anxiety throughout the entire world. A recent research on the employment of marijuana as a medicine for surviving swine flu has demonstrated some curious results.
Cannabis Science Incorporated has been maintaining a research on the utilizations of marijuana seeds and marijuana as such. Marijuana is still unlawful in the UK, but the seeds of cannabis, in their uncultivated form, can be legally purchased. A lot of people consider this the first step towards legalizing marijuana.
There was another research maintained by Cannabis Science Incorporated, which was aimed on the potential medical use of phytocannabinoids contained in the seeds of cannabis. These marijuana plant’s components have shown to lower inflammation. This could be a revolutionary discovery in the lookout for a swine flu medicine, as the primary reason of death in swine flu patients is asphyxiation, which significantly involves the lung inflammation. And in case these phytocannabinoids might truly lower inflammation, they also might essentially reduce the opportunity of dying among swine flu patients.

Phytocannabinoids contained in marijuana seeds have the effect and structure similar to those of endocannabisnoids that naturally in the organism to manage inflammation. Consuming marijuanawould permit phytocannabinoids into the organism, and they in turn would imitate the response of the organism’s original controllers of inflammation. The human organism wouldn’t recognize the difference, since they are very similar.
In case it can be debated that cannabis can avert death from the swine flu, legalizing marijuana would be the next reasonable step. The marijuana seeds would have to be grown to produce the phytocannabinoids that might then be employed to avert death in flu patients. Probably, the recent study of marijuana’s medical value can cut the debate in favor of legalizing both marijuana seeds and marijuana as such

Best Medical Schools In World

Going to medical school is not an easy job. On your behalf, it requires a serious commitment and an involvement on all levels of the person, intellectual,financial and emotional. What is cost of medical education, the cost of obtaining a medical degree can be $300,000 at the most including living expenses. In fact, the average medical graduate accumulates as much as $100,000 in debt.
Medical school ranking is very important aspect for medical and health related students. In World, there are lot of medical schools which are known for world-class facilities, top-notch faculty and numerous research publications. However, there is no medical school, famous or not, who has a monopoly on providing an unbeatable medical education. Basically medical school ranking is separated into two lists.
1- best medical schools in terms of research

2-best medical school in terms of primary care

In Research category we have schools which show capacity to invest in and produce medical knowledge while primary care refers to the training of medical students regarding precisely that treating and caring of patient and primary care.

Before actually sharing the list of medical schools here it is important to mention that it is possible that some excellent medical schools may be missing in this list. You should keep in mind that it's a matter of ranking and what characteristics are used to make it. It does not mean that if a school is ranked low in this medical schools list, the doctors coming from these schools are not good and qualified.
Here are the lists of best medical schools in World and United States, for research and primary care separately.
Best 10 medical schools (primary care)
1. University of Washington

2. Oregon Health & Science University

3. University of California San Francisco

4. Mich. State U. Coll. of Osteopathic Medicine

5. University of Minnesota Duluth

6. University of California San Diego

7. University of New Mexico

8. University of Wisconsin Madison

9. University of Iowa (Roy J. & Lucille A. Carver)

10.University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Best 10 medical schools (research)
1. Harvard University

2. Johns Hopkins University

3. Washington University in St. Louis

4. Duke University

5. University of Pennsylvania

6. University of California San Francisco

7. Columbia U. College of Physicians and Surgeons

8. Stanford University

9 University of Michigan Ann Arbor

10. Yale University
The most prestigious medical school in the United States is probably the Harvard Medical School.It was founded in the eighteenth century. This school has produced Nobel Prize winners, spearheaded the development of the most modern technologies and pioneered breakthroughs in almost every aspect of medicine health and science. It is said that their acceptance rate is very low (round about 5%) and students need an average MCAT score of 11.7.

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is another excellent research medical school. It was founded in 1893, it also boasts of the same honors and qualifications like Harvard medical school. Another top medical schools are Duke Medical School and Stanford University.
You can find out more about the Best Medical Schools as well as much more information on everything to do with online medical health schools and programs.

Need To Make Funeral Arrangements?….here’s One Thing You Must Do Before Calling The Funeral Home

I’m a funeral accountant. Basically, I am a CPA and financial planner that specializes in helping families save money when they need to make funeral arrangements. As the economy has slowed and funeral prices continue to outpace inflation, more families are finding they need help covering funeral expenses.

While it is true that funeral and cremation services are often the third largest expense the average family makes (after a home and car), there are things that can be done to reduce, or even eliminate, many of the unnecessary or overpriced items associated with a funeral.

Funeral and cremation services are expensive because of the law of supply and demand. We are all going to die sooner or later. In fact, the funeral business is a growth industry. As baby boomers age, the American death rate is slowly creeping up. But all of this extra demand ends up at the same place – the funeral home. Although there are less traditional options (such as donating your body to medical science), just about every family uses the services of a funeral home.

The good news is that most families do not need to plan a funeral very often (about once every 15 years, on average). The bad news is that most families do not need to plan a funeral very often. This means the typical family is unprepared both emotionally and financially for the realities of death. Simply put: most families have no idea what they need (or what it should cost) when someone they care about dies.

Funeral directors know this. They realize that the average family has no idea what it is they do. So they sit back and wait. Once they have a family inside the funeral home office it becomes a relatively simple process. They just tell the family what they are supposed to buy. Whether the family really needs (or can even afford) all of the things the funeral director is trying to sell them is beside the point. Very few families are willing to question the funeral director. And even fewer families know that less expensive options are available.

This is where I come in. As a funeral accountant I provide families with objective advice about the options, providers, and expenses associated with funeral and cremation services. Most families like dealing with someone who does not work on a commission basis. They appreciate getting objective information about ALL the options….even the ones that are less profitable for the funeral home.

Unfortunately, there aren’t enough funeral accountants to go around. And since the majority of families face similar circumstances when making funeral arrangements, I decided to create a resource (the Funeral $aver’s Kit) that shows families how they can save themselves money when making funeral arrangements.

Here’s the number one piece of advice from the Funeral $aver’s Kit: Take time to familiarize yourself with the options and prices that are available in your area. Funeral homes offer different services and vary widely in their pricing structure. It’s not uncommon for one funeral home to have prices that are more than double those of a nearby competitor.

Unfortunately, when a death occurs most families pick up the phone and call either the funeral home closest to their house or the funeral home they used in the past. Please don’t do this. If you happen to pick one of the more expensive funeral homes in town, you’ll be stuck with a high bill.

Also, an insidious trend has been occurring in the funeral industry. Large corporate-owned funeral homes have been buying out smaller neighborhood funeral homes. These big funeral corporations often target the most popular funeral homes in an area, buy them, and then secretly raise prices by at least 50%.

This means that if you haven’t used a funeral home in the last five years, there is an excellent chance that funeral home is now part of a large (and expensive) corporation. As a consumer, you would never know this. The large corporate funeral homes normally keep the same local name on the door. They may even keep some of the old employees around too. But make no mistake; the one thing that doesn’t stay the same is their prices!

So before you call a funeral home – any funeral home – take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the services, options, and prices from at least three funeral homes in your area. This simple step can often save you thousands of dollars in unnecessary funeral expenses.

You can check out the funeral-tips website for practical advice that can help you collect and compare funeral prices and options in your area.

Remember: there are lots of things you can do to save money when making funeral arrangements

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Never Give Up, Bladder Infection Is Easy To Cure

If you are among those who complain frequent urination and pain during passing urine, be aware! You might be the victim of urinary track infection (UTI) or bladder infection. It is not an uncommon disease today as the graph of affected people is shooting high every year. Among them women section is the most affected fraction of our society. Because of their natural reason of having short and straight urethra they are more prone to catch this disease. But, the data of UTI victim also includes men and children. The most annoying aspect of bladder infection is its symptoms that disturb the entire regular life.

Before you opt to treat them it is important that you recognise them on time, so that the process of treatment can be simplified. For this the foremost thing is to know about the signs that point the existence of bladder infection. Few of the very common symptoms are:
Painful and burning sensation during passing urine.

Frequent urge to pass urine.

Mild or high fever.

Pain even when not urinating.

Cloudy or reddish urine may be due to blood presence.

Nausea and/or vomiting.

Fatigue pain in the back or side, below the ribs.

Women may feel an uncomfortable pressure above the pubic bone.

Despite an intense urge to urinate, little urine is passed.

However, it is easy to treat, but of course there are certain conditions that have to be satisfied promptly and without any negligence. Sincerity is the only thing that can bring effective result. Things you need to follow are:
Avoid spicy food.

Avoid deodorant, perfume or any scent.

Bubble bath.

Avoid tight trousers.

Include fibrous food items.

Drink plenty of water.

Apart from all these a proper dose of medicines should be taken to improve the condition. In fact, if the disease is really very critical one must visit doctor and get himself thoroughly checked. Any negligence must not be entertained at any case. The foremost thing is to get properly medicated. Rather depending on home remedies it is better to get good medicines and follow a disciplined life so that the treatment can be effective. Treating bladder infection is not tough if treated properly. Do not lose hope if you are severely affected of this disease. Just follow up proper routine and you soon see leading a normal life like earlier.

Why To Study In Top Medical Schools In Europe?

If you do not want to suffer from unemployment and want to earn good in the coming future then you must only choose the medical school in Europe that has been rated on the top. You can choose to take admission in Central and Eastern Europe, Poland, Romania as they are among the best and top medical schools. They have been known for the quality of education they provide to their students. Also they train them in performing various tests and diagnoses so that they can know about the illness and disease a patient is suffering from easily and suggest a cure for it. The top medical schools in Europe are not only famous for the kind of education they provide but there also reputed for hostel facilities and culture activities that take place here. Most of the students who come in top medical schools in Europe are made to feel at home and are provided with utmost care so that they do not feel uncomfortable in any way.

The advantage of studying in the best medical school in Europe is that you get complete knowledge about your subject and are able to gain full confidence. With great confidence and unbeatable experience you are guaranteed to get a high paying job that will help you in maintaining a good standard of living. These colleges also provide career counseling and job assistance to their students so that they can easily find a job for them.

Facts About How To Cure Gout

Uric acid is a natural product of the body and results when the DNA from cells is broken down into its constituent parts; as a result, everyone has some amount of uric acid in their blood. However, when blood levels of uric acid rise above a certain level (for example due to insufficient secretion or excess production), it deposits in the body, causing gout.
Patients with gout suffer redness, swelling, pain, and reduced mobility due to joint inflammation. Although it can theoretically strike any joint in the body, gout is most commonly found in the interphalangeal joint of the big toe.
The resulting inflammation makes walking and wearing footwear painful, reducing mobility. If left untreated, gout can lead to a degenerative type of arthritis in which the joint is irreparably damaged.Although medical science has not yet determined all the causes of gout or its pathophysiology, gout appears to be associated with several risk factors which can be controlled by the patient. These include being overweight or obese, high blood pressure (hypertension), drinking alcohol, and eating large quantities of rich meat and seafood.
Therefore, weight loss, reducing or eliminating the use of alcoholic beverages, and avoiding large amounts of meat or seafood in the diet, can all contribute to curing gout. In addition, keeping hydrated by drinking large amounts of water on a regular basis helps the kidneys naturally eliminate uric acid, thereby reducing blood levels and contributing to curing gout.
Because gout is caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood which deposits inappropriately in the body, a number of medications are available. The most commonly used are anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen, which reduce the redness, swelling, and pain produced by the deposits. However, these do not cure gout.

Other prescription medications such as intravenous steroids and the medications probenecid and colchicine, can interfere with the production of uric acid and enhance its secretion from the body, and thus may cure gout when used appropriately. Individuals suffering from gout should speak with their doctors about how to cure gout through a combination of medications and healthy lifestyle changes.

Manglik Dosham/ Chevvai Dosham/ Kuja Dosham Remedies - Sri Selvam Siddhar

This error is caused by due to mars and this is not considered good for married life . i have researched on this yoga and this year i have one example where one client came to me and mars was in the 8 house with very bad position and when there was marriage of him they did not have match making and just got married remedy at all and when a bus carrying passenger of wedding there was a big accident and 45 passenger died and the man who was going for marriage he / himself with all of his family saved .

So i told him about chances of death and at the beginning he was checking me . When i told him truth about his life he trust me and start crying saying (he has also now good knowledge of vedic astrology ) that people in his village don't talk to them as he is blamed for that accident , everyone knows that everything is in God hand death and birth but i dont know why people blame others . he came to last Tuesday to me for remedy i have done one remedy for malefic influence of ketu . he is 2 married now and have a baby i checked his chart now and life is good now for him ..

But yes if they followed the proper vedic remedies and procedure hope that something can be changed in this case But it all is gods wish .
Astrology is like medical science that we can cure disease and can increase life span by doi

Knowing Why Depression Happens

Knowing the causes of depression allows us to prevent such from happening to us or to our loved ones.

Many experts agree that depression can be hereditary, if a family has been known to have depression in their lineage; there are good chances that the following generation will have it as well.

People who do not have self confidence and has low self esteem are prone to depression as well. They do not find any positive aspects in their life that is why they have depression. People who are exposed to stress on a daily occurrence ca also be a candidate for depression.

Medical science has also recently discovered that depression is greatly associated with the physical well-being of a person. If a person has had a life threatening disease or an accident, depression follows suit.

A personal loss resulting to major emotional letdown can also trigger depression. A bad break-up, death, getting fired from a job, these are all reasons that can put a person into depression.

Research has shown that women are twice more likely to get depression. These are caused by the hormonal changes they experience. The stress women also experience in being a single parent, a working mother, their responsibilities both in the home and at the office are all possible to be a moving factor.
Men and women show different symptoms in depression. Men are usually irritable and impatient, that is why it is sometimes hard to diagnose if they do have depression. They are also more likely to keep it to themselves.

Is Garlic Poisonous To Dogs?

How can an herb with so much medicinal history suddenly develop such a bad reputation?

Despite its healing qualities, Garlic contains a compound named thiosulphate. In extremely high levels thiosulphate can be a dangerous toxin that can cause hemolytic anemia in dogs. In the research studies the animals were given large concentrations of the isolated substance to produce the effect. This is not a reference to normal ingestion or moderate dosing.

In yet another scientific study the effects of garlic products, including dehydrated raw garlic powder, dehydrated boiled garlic powder and aged garlic extract, on the gastric mucosa of dogs were determined using three commonly sold preparations, raw capsule garlic powder caused severe mucosal damage, including erosion. Boiled garlic powder also caused inflammation and reddening of the mucosa, whereas aged garlic powder did not cause any undesirable effects. Among the garlic preparations, Aged Garlic Extract could be the most suitable form, particularly for long-term use. Aging in particular may be the most effective method to eliminate the toxic effects of raw garlic. The safety of enteric-coated garlic products was also studied. Direct administration of pulverized enteric-coated products on the gastric mucosa caused reddening of the mucosa in test animals (dogs). When an enteric-coated tablet was administered orally, it caused loss of epithelial cells at the top of crypts in the ileum in the intestinal tract. Enteric-coated garlic products by pass the stomach and deliver garlic directly into the intestine, which is not a traditional route for garlic intake in any species!

When used in moderation, garlic can be a healthy supplement. Garlic can be used to stimulate and support immune function, trigger gastric juices for better digestion, encourage the growth of friendly bacteria, and prevent infections. Garlic reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer as well as improves blood sugar regulation and promotes detoxification.

Historic use of garlic as a condiment and herb has always been via oral ingestion and not via direct delivery into the stomach or intestines, in the form of a concentrated, standardized surprise! The safety of such delivery systems for garlic is unknown not to mention totally unnatural!

For centuries, garlic has been a primary remedy relied upon in a majority of cases. For as long as people have been using garlic, they have also been feeding it to their animal companions. Emperically, its medicinal properties have been strongly proven, along with its safety of use.

In the United States for the last 50 years, garlic has remained in the forefront of holistic medicine. Every text written by the founding fathers of holistic veterinary medicine recommended it, and revere its incredible anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial properties. Research shows, garlic has also benefited animals with cancer, diabetes, liver, heart and kidney disease, skin/staph infections, ear infections and a myriad of other conditions. It has grown to be a staple in preventative protocols for pets. For years it has been safely used by thousands of companion animal owners with no reports of negative side-effects - up until now. All of a sudden; garlic is an offending "suspect," without being proven the offender. The majority of people are allowing mass hysteria to determine a holistic care program for their dog or cat.

There are over 51,000 sites on the web devoted to warnings about the "toxicity" of garlic, even though there is little scientific data to back the claim other than the fact that thiosulphate is found in garlic. Yet, there are also upward of 4000,000 internet sites, many of which are reputable holistic veterinarians who have widely used garlic in their practice for many years! In regard to this miracle herb and its hundreds of years of "proven use" I would recommend trusting history over mass hysteria and half truths any day.

How To Safely Give Garlic To Dogs
If you are going to give your dog garlic in the form of a commercial supplement, for safety, we recommend the protective non-burn use of an odor-free, aged extract, such as "Kayolic Aged Garlic Extract." The suggested dose for dogs is: Small dogs receive 1/2 capsule Aged Extract daily, with the dosage increasing with the pet's size, ranging up to 2 capsules given in a split dose, depending on the dogs weight. If you are going to give your dog garlic in its raw state the dose is 1/2 to 1 small minced/pressed clove daily, mixed into a meal.

Buy Seroquel Quetiapine Online To Treat Anxiety, Bipolar As Well As Schizophrenia

Seroquel comprises Quetiapine fumarate and is an anti-psychotic medication used primarily to treat Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder [BD], and Anxiety-related disorders in adults and children. In BD, it is given to children who are above 10 years in age; while for treating Schizophrenia, it is given to children who are 13 years or older.

Generic Quetiapine belongs to the dibenzothiazepine group of drugs. It blocks the dopamine type-2 and serotonin type-2 receptors. Serotonin is associated with moods-sleep-appetite-memory-learning-muscle contraction and has a role in blood platelets where it helps to regulate hemostasis & blood clotting. Dopamine is associated with voluntary movement-reward & punishment-motivation-sleep-moods-attention-memory-learning-inhibition of prolactin production [that is involved in sexual gratification & lactation]. Quetiapine alters the balance of these 2 chemicals in the brain, which leads to a difference in thought and behavior in the patient.

Schizophrenia is an extremely serious disorder, for the patient cannot distinguish between the real and unreal, making it difficult for the patient to think or behave logically, show ‘normal’ emotional responses to others, and behave ‘normally’ in society. It can start when a child is 5 years old, occurs usually in teenage and young adulthood years, with lesser chances of occurring when people are 45 years old. This condition involves a situation when a person “hears” voices to hurt himself/herself, feels overwhelmed with helplessness, “sees” things that do not exist, is unable or afraid to leave the house, and cannot take care of himself/herself.

To make things worse, there are 5 kinds of Schizophrenia. The disease develops slowly over months, or years, with Schizophrenics being at high risk for substance abuse. According to medical science, Schizophrenics can improve with the right medicine, and gain control over their symptoms.

Depression is often confused with Manic depression or Bipolar disorder [BD]. According to experts, an estimated 20% people who are treated for depression turn out to have BD, but it takes several sessions/psychiatrists to find that out. Many teenagers and young adults between 15-25 years in age are afflicted with this disorder that is of 2 types. Substance abuse is often linked to BD. As youngsters are more prone to this disorder, they may take drugs or alcohol to help ease depression or to sleep better. There is a high risk of suicide in BD.

Individuals with BD-1 [also known as Manic depression] experience a period of full manic episode with periods of severe depression. The manic phase can last for days or months, making a person feel agitated, irritated, hyperactive with increased energy, having delusions of grandeur, racing thoughts, no self-control, indulging in reckless behavior with poor control over temper. It can lead a person to indulge in shopping sprees, binge eating and feel the need to sleep less. BD-2 brings hypomania – high levels of energy and impulsiveness, without a full-fledged manic episode.

A continuing state of ‘Anxiety’ can be serious enough to prompt medical treatment. There are a few types of Anxiety disorders: Panic disorder [PD], Social anxiety disorder [SAD], and Post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD]. SAD involves an irrational and persisting fear of social situations that can involve scrutiny or judgment by others, but the prognosis is usually good with treatment and antidepressants. In PD an individual can experience an unexpected attack of intense fear at any point of time, which can last for a few minutes or go up to a few hours, and this disorder is difficult to treat. PTSD is another challenging disorder; it can occur at any age, following a traumatic incident – it could involve war, assault, abuse, rape, and even a threat of death or injury. The trauma could be a personal experience, or related to somebody who is close to the patient; symptoms can be delayed for 6 months after the incident, which may get better within a few months, but can last for several years.

When you go for treatment, the psychiatrist will want to know if you have any cardiac problem, liver or kidney disease, a personal or family history of diabetes, seizures, glaucoma, or a bowel obstruction. Give a list of all your medicines, including prescription and over-the-counter, herbal products and nutritional supplements to the doctor so that the right dose regimen can be prescribed for you. If you have any allergies, let your doctor know, and do not combine alcohol or “street drugs” with Quetiapine, it can add to your drowsiness and worsen your condition. This medicine is not meant for comatose patients, those who have severe central nervous depression, who are being treated for Parkinson’s disease, or those who are heavily intoxicated.
Pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who are planning to have a baby must consult the doctor before taking the medicine. Like all anti-psychotic drugs, geriatrics, those who drive, or perform risky tasks, should refrain from doing so until they know how this medicine affects them and are sure of handling its’ effect.

Some of the medicines with which Seroquel interacts with include: other antipsychotic medicines, tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs], histamine antagonists, anti-anxiety medicines, antibiotics, anti-fungals, medicines for gastric problems, anti-seizure drugs, steroids, or medicines to treat cardiac conditions and hypertension.

The less serious side effects may include dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, stomachache, headaches, blurred vision, missed period, breast tenderness or discharge, or weight gain. Serious side effects should be immediately reported to the doctor and can include: any mood/behavior changes like anxiety, irritability, aggressiveness, restlessness, depression, suicidal ideation, or hyperactivity; rapid, or uneven heartbeat; numbness/stiffness/weakness, particularly if it is only in one part of the body; flu-like symptoms; white patches/sores that occur inside the mouth or on the lips; problems with urination; or increased thirst/hunger. Likewise allergic reactions such as rash, hives, itching, difficulty in breathing, or a swelling in the face/tongue/throat means that the treatment should be stopped and the doctor should be informed at once.

Such disorders can be controlled with treatment – talk-therapy and the right medication

Cancer Curing Super-machine

A pyramid has unique healing properties.

Moreover, by using and sitting under a pyramid, we get a powerful beam of Universal Energy, And, this Cosmic or Universal Energy is a perfect natural remedy for Cancer.

According to the latest research all life is energy.

Every nerve impulse in your body is an electric current.

Every cell in your body is a mini-battery pumping out 70-90 millivolts - when healthy.

Our muscles are powered by chemical energy. The steak and potatoes that you eat for dinner are really just fuel for the fire. Eating is like throwing coal in a furnace.

Digestion is nothing more than a slow form of burning that produces energy for your body to live on. In fact, death itself is defined as the absence of electrical activity in the brain. In the end, all life is energy.

This phenomenon deserves special attention and further research and dissemination, which will help shed light on a new discipline in science and medicine, in particular, helping people fight various illnesses, sometimes even avoiding surgical operations.
The hidden power of the pyramidal form that empowers the vital system of the human body, accelerates the growth of plants, prevents the fast rotting of foods, and keeps the razor blades sharp.
Get what you always wanted! You’ll be amazed on how well and fast this works! But remember – "Be careful what you wish for…".

Its work, depends upon the Universal Cosmic Energy.
In fact, world top scientists and researchers have proved that the pyramid structures are the main focus of tCosmic Energy.
The modern research also reveals that, in reality, these are the scientific “Machines” and “Devices” standing on the face of the planet Earth.
The researchers and scientists narrate that these Devices and scientific Machines are the "Powerhouses", called “Pyramids”.
Pyramids or pyramidical structures have been proven to stimulate Theta and Alpha brain waves activities.

It is one of the oldest structures on the face of the earth and arguably the best built.

There are more than 15 million books containing explanations about the effects of the pyramids, all around the world.
Pyramids and pyramid structures can be used for non invasive treatment of diseases in which the role of free radicals and reactive oxygen species has been implicated.

This is very strange that the Pyramid Energy makes all your wishes, dreams and desires come true!

A pyramid structure helps develop super concentration.

This is also a source of Rapid Manifestation.
So, therefore, you can manifest your desires at the Quantum Level and Etheric Realm, to appear in the physical plane.
As a matter of fact, you can get what you always wanted…by a pyramid manifestation, which is real.

The latest research of the top world pyramid researchers have also proved that you can use a pyramid to "Harmonize" all your remedies and solutions for a more potent subtle energy effect and shelf life.
The modern research indicates that Pyramid increases your Luck, Love, Health, Mind Control, Business, Finances, etc. for you and your love ones.

The experts concluded that this will be perfect word to say that a pyramid is the best of the best "Wishing Machine" around.

According to Dr. Thomas Tassioulas; "The pyramids are a reminder to humanity of the power we have within each of us".

These are super turbo machines that are being used all over the world as an anti-stressor, meditation centre and a wound healing promoter.

Every pyramid emits Universal or Cosmic Rays constantly.

Modern medical science has accepted that the Pyramid Energy is good for multi-cellular organism.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Tassioulas and his companions have proved that after sleeping inside a pyramid, you need less sleep but you feel more relaxed.

It is very interesting that a pyramid structure reduces Geopathic Stress from land and buildings to the extent of 98% within one week.
The hidden power of the pyramid empowers the vital system of pets, animals and the human body.

On the other hand, Washing the face with it brings youth to the skin, increases the body’s natural healing potential, enhances the subconscious mind’s ability to heal the body, helps erase the anxiety, doubt, and fear associated with the healing process, strengthens the power of the aura, helps to clear negative thought forms.

Washing the face with pyramid charged water brings youth to the skin.

Drinking from the pyramid's water makes us more healthy and active.

As a matter of fact, a pyramid increases your overall energy level.
You can make all your wishes, dreams and desires come true, by using a pyramid.

Turbid water becomes clear and pure after putting it in the pyramids for days.

A pyramid or a pyramidical structure increases your Luck, Love, Health, Mind Control, Business, Finances, etc.
The phenomenon is real.

Most of the natural process developing into living bodies are more intensive and harmonious when they enter into the magnetic field of a pyramid.

The pyramid will help you achieve a heightened mental awareness and an “Infinite Field of Wisdom”.

By sitting under a Pyramid, it will augment your success in whatever you want to accomplish with it.
“Buy all the product you will but in the end money can not buy meditation peace of mind...but a pyramid.”

For more details visit the site of this writer:

You can contact the author:

Legal Transcription- Free Assistive Information For Legal Transcription

Cutting edge technology enables transcription outsourcing services to encode multiple channels of digital or analogue audio into MPEG-2, AC-3, and AAC and distribute it over ASI or IP. The video or audio encoding CD files can be transferred to the desired target, either over LAN or via FTP.

Medical Transcription: The process involves transcribing the monologues of physician, who diagnoses and describes the medical history of the patient. The transcription gives the advantage to the medical insurance companies to refer for reimbursing purposes.

A medical transcription information interview is an effective tool to use for entry-level personnel who wishes to explore the field of medical transcription, for those who wish to change careers and want to get a feel for the medical transcription field and transcribing work it entails, and even for those who are in the MT field already and wish to work for a difference company or in a different medical specialty.

Don't forget to realize that this article can cover information related to legal transcription but can still leave some stones unturned. Head on over to the search engines like for more specific legal transcription information.

A career in medical transcription has a lot been going for it. Here we are facing an economic downturn and this field is only likely to thrive in these times. The medical transcription industry is set to steadily grow as the population ages.

Medical transcription is a valuable (and lucrative) medical service that does not require actual qualification in medical science. In simple terms, medical transcription deals with converting patient reports and records dictated by doctors into an electronic or paper format. Their notes are dictated into digital recording devices and outsourced to such units all over the world.

When seeking out general information regarding medical transcription salaries, remember that figures are given in median values: In other words, when you see a particular medical transcription salary, remember that 50% of medical transcriptionists make less than that amount, and 50% make more than that amount.

Many people that searched for legal transcription also searched online for work from home medical transcription jobs, transcriptionists, and even transcription typing.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How Can Hypnosis Help With Medical Conditions? - Part 2

Hypnosis is both normal and natural, and whilst you are in hypnosis you have access to your subconscious mind - the part which knows just what to do and how to do it, the part which acts automatically and spontaneously. Thus these special dynamics can be utilized to facilitate therapeutic intra-psychological communications. Hypnosis allows contact with your inner mind; it allows communication with your physiological functions.

As Michael Bernard Beckwith says "The question frequently asked is "when a person has manifested a disease in the body, can it be turned around through the power of right thinking?" and the answer is absolutely, yes".
It has been scientifically proven that each mental event triggers off nervous system activity which connects it to all other areas of the brain. Substantial evidence from psycho-neuro-immunology suggests that the mind and body communicate with each other in a directional flow of hormones and neurotransmitters. Thus every idea, thought and belief has a neurochemical consequence. Mental images, through your neural pathways, are able to transport messages throughout your entire organism.

This means that visualization techniques and symbolic imagery can be used to aid a return to normal healthy bodily functioning (for example, lowering your blood pressure, overcoming IBS), and also to kick start your body's natural ability to self heal. Your body is a self healing organism. If you cut yourself, that cut will heal all on its own. You have an immune system which guards against illness. Your body is in fact designed to heal itself. Your body knows how to return to a state of homeostasis.

As well as these more specific types of symbolic imagery, abstract imagery can be utilized - images to assist you in letting go of worries and tensions and gaining a feeling of lightness and brightness, well-being and harmony. Your imagination is limitless. It has no boundaries. A picture is worth a thousand words and a metaphor is worth a million. The creative use of metaphorical language is incredibly powerful.

Relaxation and hypnosis form the basis of this therapeutic process. Relaxation decreases the background noises and criticisms of the mind and allows you the ideal state within which to allow your creative mind to surface, thus enabling you to focus and have therapeutic direction. Hypnosis allows mental thoughts and images to have greater clarity and focus, and it allows feelings such as self-confidence, well-being and harmony to be more easily elicited.

Whilst in hypnosis your mind is very open to visualizations and you have the ability to create a more powerful sensory experience. The more real the experience becomes in the subconscious mind during this state, the more effect it will have upon what you wish to achieve. A thought without emotion doesn't have any effect. Emotions are what trigger the limbic system and the neurotransmitters which send messages throughout your entire body.

And so hypnosis can help with medical conditions in many different ways. Your mind does control your body and to treat medical conditions as purely physical symptoms would be to deny this very basic fact.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis mp3 downloads for health and well-being

How To Get Pregnant Fast In 4 Easy Steps

Having said that, many a times the problem does not lies with the male, but often with the female. It may not be the end of parenthood as explained by their doctors, even though most of them have the answers on how to get pregnant fast.

Many of the causes of female infertility are treatable. You and your partner may also consider other options, such as adoption or foster care of children. In fact the issues involved with female infertility are far more complex than male infertility. In fact, how to get pregnant fast can use the strategy of adoption.

After discovering that it is a female infertility issues, he or she may take a detailed study of the medical and family history to find out if there were any other symptoms. Symptoms he found were:

Step #1 - Take a look at your period. Are they regular or absent?

As women age, even while still regularly menstruating, there are subtle shifts in hormonal patterns that may make the endometrium less receptive, which will make them difficult to get pregnant.
The female ovulation is not regular each month
Time when the female ovulates is crucial, as it can eliminate female infertility. The window period of 24 hour is when she is most fertile for pregnancy. One cannot assumes that if the menstrual cycle is regular, she must be ovulating, as not all women ovulate every cycle.

Step #2 - Take a look at your family history. Does it played an important in female infertility?
From your family tree, you may found out that your mom had trouble conceiving you, this may give you a higher chance of female infertility.

Step #3 - How old are you?
So long women have quality eggs in them, it makes no difference whether their age is early 30s to mid-40s. However, when they are in their mid-30s, the number of eggs they produces each cycle will decline. This will prevent pregnancy as compared to a woman in her early 20s.

Step #4 - What about stress? Can it help or cause infertility.
The question of why is this happening to me cause lots of couples to undergo stress and emotional pressures trying to get themselves pregnant. We should not take things for granted, thinking that it is easy to have babies. What we have planned so far may not turn out well. Mentally preparation is often the best bet to fight infertility.
If you want to make conception harder, then you should start punishing yourself by asking those self-blaming questions. Otherwise, please do not torture yourself.

With advanced medical science, the question on how to get pregnant fast will no longer be an question that most would-be parents as more and more miracle babies are being born yearly due to intense amount of research.

Weight The Options Before Taking Antibiotics

Have you tried taking antibiotics before? Antibiotics are powerful medicines that fight bacterial infections. When used properly, antibiotics can save lives. They either kill bacteria or keep them from reproducing.

Medicine is actually that part or that thing in medical science that is categorized under non-surgical techniques or something that prevents or fights against the disease in the human body. The modern era is totally of antibiotics because the antibiotic drugs are the most frequently prescribed medicines.

Antibiotics are used to treat the infection which is caused by bacteria (such as tuberculosis, bubonic plague, or syphilis) or fungus (such as athlete's foot). Antibiotics effect will be more beneficial if doctor diagnose and prescribe the antibiotic medicine on time. Most of the antibiotics are now altered and modified with advancements in medical chemistry and microbiology. They are now extracted chemically from the original micro-organisms found in nature.

There are some natural antibiotics such as herbs and spices we routinely use in our cooking. Using these herbs and spices is a good preventive measure. Herbs such as garlic, oregano, thyme, Echinacea, goldenseal, una da gato, myrrh and turmeric are good anti-bacterial. St. John's wort, Lomatium, Myurrh, Echinacea, astragalus, aloe vera and garlic can prevent viral infection. Black walnut hulls, barberry bark, maitake mushroom, tea tree oil, garlic myrrh, thyme are effective anti-fungal.

If the infection can no longer be prevented, then taking antibiotics is the best option. is an online pharmacy where you can order Antibiotics online with Overnight Delivery. provides an easy, fast and free medical consultation from US Licensed doctors. employs the services of highly trained and qualified pharmacists to provide clients with the high standards of pharmaceutical care. Above all, is committed to meeting and exceeding all government regulations covering this new form of health care provision.

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Amoxil is an antibiotic in the class of drugs called penicillin. It fights bacteria in the body. Amoxil is used to treat many different types of infections, such as tonsillitis, pneumonia, ear infections, bronchitis, urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, and infections of the skin. Amoxil may also be used for other purposes.


Tetracycline, is used to treat bacterial infections, including pneumonia and other respiratory tract infections; acne; infections of skin, genital and urinary systems; and the infection that causes stomach ulcers (Helicobacter pylori). It also may be used as an alternative to other medications for the treatment of Lyme disease and for the treatment and prevention of anthrax (after inhalational exposure). Tetracycline is in a class of medications called tetracycline antibiotics.It works by preventing the growth and spread of bacteria. Antibiotics will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections.


Azithromycin (brand names Zithromax®) is one of the world's best-selling antibiotics. Zithromax is used to treat many different types of bacterial infections, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, skin infections, ear infections, and sexually transmitted diseases. Zithromax users only need to take 2 pills the first day of treatment and 1 pill a day for the following 4 days! assures that all medicines are obtained from legitimate pharmaceutical wholesalers, or in some cases directly from the manufacturer, so one can be sure of quality medication. We are fully U.S. Licensed and follows strict compliance with FDA regulations for shipping medications for personal use. This is the one pharmacy you can purchase antibiotics online and feel great when you receive the quality FDA approved medication

Monday, August 9, 2010


blood is most important in our contains two platelets and another blood cells.blood cells are again of three parts and they are red blood cells ,white blood cells and platelets.blood contain haemoglobin so it is red in colour.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Traditional Accupuncture In Treating Infertility

You may not think of accupuncture as the best choice in treating infertility. It is a traditional treatment after all, not dependent on modern science and more akin to superstition than medical proof. But did you know that this traditional treatment is finding a place for itself in today’s modern medical treatments for infertility? Not only is its traditional healing proving useful in treating some of the causes of infertility, it is also proving to be a very useful in supporting other more modern treatments to better your chances of starting that family you have been dreaming of.

Acupuncture is defined as a traditional Chinese medicine. It has long been practiced by healers, going back as far as three thousand years ago. It uses needles inserted into the body at very specific points to control the body’s chi or what is believed to be the energy of the body. This might sound too fantastic for our modern day concept of medicine but even medical science has to concede its effectiveness. The insertion of these needles has been shown to help the body regulate itself better, controlling blood flow to organs that need it and balancing out hormone levels.

Hormonal imbalance is actually a key player in infertility. Sometimes the body doesn’t produce the correct amount of needed hormones for the reproductive organs to function properly. Infertility is often signified by hormonal problems like elevated follicle stimulating hormone FSH levels. This is a sign of low ovarian reserves in women that can lead to difficulty getting pregnant. Another sign is elevated levels of prolactin in the body which is also detrimental to pregnancy. Sometimes polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is responsible for these hormonal imbalances and is one of the leading causes of infertility in women. Accupuncture has shown itself to be effective in correcting some of these imbalances so it is used as a treatment for these conditions.

With acupuncture really making a name for itself in today’s medical scene, a combination of traditional and modern techniques is sometimes used in treating infertility. In vitro fertilization or IVF is one of the more modern medical treatments for infertility. It uses advanced medical techniques to fertilize a human egg outside of a woman’s womb and then return it afterwards to allow it to develop into a baby inside the mother. This is a complicated and expensive procedure that doesn’t work 100% of the time. However, with acupuncture as a supporting treatment IVF success rates have shown marked improvement. Studies have shown that acupuncture with IVF can add about 16 percentile points to the baseline success rate. It also reduces the chances of miscarriage. This boost can be essential if you are on a budget as every attempt of IVF can cost around $12,000!

If you are interested in using acupuncture as a supporting treatment, you may have to think about going through acupuncture sessions in advance. The treatment often takes months to prepare your body to go through the medical procedures. Sometimes 3 to 4 months are needed if acupuncture is to be used to support an IVF procedure.

You can also use acupuncture as an alternative to some medications. Its healing properties can be useful for you to recover faster from a procedure. This can speed up your recovery and reduce your stay in a clinic or hospital, saving you money in medical fees. A kind of acupuncture incorporates electricity to help with pain relief. Called electro-acupuncture, this can be very useful as an alternative painkiller when you go into labor.

If you need one more reason to try acupuncture, it is also a reliever of stress and anxiety. This is very important in fertility as stress and anxiety can cause depression. Depression has been shown to have very negative effects on fertility. Infertility is a very big cause of stress and anxiety and, if this stress and anxiety is left untreated, this can lead to a vicious downward spiral of infertility and stress.

Acupuncture is really proving itself as one of the most effective alternative treatments for infertility out there today. Just be sure to keep safe and choose your acupuncturist wisely to avoid unnecessary risks.

Leukemia Cure - Survival Rates Of Patients With Leukemia

The treatment of leukemia is focused towards achieving a complete remission with minimal side-effects. Complete remission refers to absence of leukemia traces at cellular level. Patients who present no evidence of malignant cellular activity after completing the treatment of leukemia are considered to be completely cured. By contrast, relapse indicates a recurrence of leukemia specific symptoms and physiological signs.

In the case of patients with acute leukemia, a remission that lasts for more than five years after the treatment suggests a complete recovery. This five-year period is considered to be critical for leukemia sufferers, as it can make the difference between relapse and complete recovery.

In the last few decades, the five-year survival period of patients with leukemia has tripled. While in the 60’s the five-year survival rate was around 15 percent, nowadays it revolves around 50 percent. This five-year survival period is strongly influenced by patients’ age and the type of leukemia. Statistics indicate that the five-year survival rate for patients with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is around 60 percent, while the five-year survival rate for patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is higher, reaching the value of 70 percent. By contrast, the prognosis of patients with myelogenous leukemia is less favorable. The same five-year survival rate for patients diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) is around 14 percent, while an estimated 32 percent of patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) exceed this five-year survival period.

The five-year survival rate for children diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia revolves around the value of 80 percent, while the overall survival rate of children with acute lymphocytic leukemia is less than 45 percent. This type of leukemia is the most common form of cancer diagnosed in children. Due to the fact that it predominantly affects young patients with ages between 3 and 15, the disease is referred to as childhood leukemia.

In the United States, the mortality rate for children with leukemia has decreased with 60 percent in the last three decades. In spite of this fact, leukemia is still the leading cause of death among young patients with ages under 15.

Euphorbia Prostata Cures Hemorrhoids

Whereas on one hand, awareness on the ailment, and on the fact that treatments are in fact available to alleviate it has increased, on the other hand, it has also led to the mushrooming of quacks making tall claims without any substance.

Piles or hemorrhoids are very common in both men and women. According to available data, about half of the population has hemorrhoids by the age of 50. Hemorrhoids are also common among pregnant women. The pressure of the fetus in the abdomen, as well as hormonal changes, cause the hemorrhoidal vessels to enlarge. These vessels are also placed under severe pressure during childbirth. For most women, however, hemorrhoids caused by pregnancy are a temporary problem.

Recent researches in India have now established that the herb, Euphorbia prostata, is very effective in treating piles and anal fissures. In a recent study conducted at the University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Punjab University, Chandigarh, as many as 32,000 patients of piles and anal fissures have been reported to have benefited from oral (capsule/tablet) and topical (cream/gel) forms of Euphorbia prostata. No significant side effects were reported.

Following the studies initiated by BestOnHealth, an SBU of Delhi-based pharma major, Panacea Biotec, and the encouraging results of their succeeding monolithic study on 32,000 patients, the company in association with the Punjab University has recently patented the technology for extracting flavonoids from Euphorbia prostata, vide European patent no. EP 0868914. Based on this technology, BestonHealth has introduced India’s first hundred per cent integrated and natural piles management system called “Thank God”. The company has patented the product worldwide and plans to introduce it soon in Europe, Latin America and other parts of Asia. This integrated kit combines the benefits of flavonoids with those of naturally occurring ispaghulla husk, and comprises of a relief capsules, topical anytime cream, isphaghulla husk, a pain and relief cream, and an applicator.

One of the major ingredients in Euphorbia prostata is flavonoids. Flavonoids have aroused considerable interest recently because of their potential beneficial effects on human health– they have been reported to have antiviral, anti-allergic, anti-platelet, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and antioxidant activities.

In two other similar but more specific studies initiated in 2001 by BestOnHealth under the supervision of Dr. M.P. Arora of Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital and Dr. V. K. Malik of Maulana Azad Medical College, 118 cases of bleeding hemorrhoids were administered Euphorbia prostata-based flavonoids at effective doses and were examined later at 5 and 10 days for improvement in symptoms related to piles. The objective of the study was to explore and certify the benefits of flavonoids extracted from Euphorbia prostata in piles management. The symptoms of piles pertained to anal discomfort and pain, discharge of mucous from anus (proctorhhea) and inflammation of the rectum (proctitis). At the end of the eight-month trial, the physicians observed a statistical difference in the cure rate profile among the patients selected. It was observed that patients who were given flavonoids achieved an overwhelmingly significant cure and relief from symptoms of bleeding piles when compared to patients in the controlled group (on placebo).

It is now established that flavonoids extracted from Euphorbia prostata reduce bleeding, pain and inflammation associated with piles, and reduce itching. They also promote efficient wound healing. Euphorbia prostata has been found effective in the entire efficacy parameters of bleeding hemorrhoids and show minimal side-effects, with high tolerance among patients.

Experts further suggest that these flavonoids work best in piles management when combined with other natural remedies like ispaghulla husk etc., and such an integrated approach also significantly reduces the risk of a relapse (recurrence) in piles.

Experts opine that such a rationally formulated combination therapy seems to have an exponential and positive remedial effect, and may speed up recovery from the symptoms of piles. This would be a big relief for the many patients hitherto hiding their distressing anguish and suffering incessantly yet silently. The pain, it seems, is finally over.

Ways We Too Can Learn To Love Tea

"If you are cold, tea will warm you. If you are too heated, it will cool you. If you are depressed, it will cheer you. If you are excited, it will calm you. ~William Gladstone, 1865, British Prime Minister"

How to Love Tea

A number of people today would like to exhibit exactly the same passion meant for tea. It's not necessarily news the fact that tea features a gazillion benefits meant for either mind or entire body. It is just a fantastic method of obtaining anti-oxidants along with conventional medical science was implemented to help remedy contagious ailments as well as common colds. There isn't any doubt that teas can be a wonder in the cup. Although some men and women in several areas around the globe anticipate their own "tea breaks", regrettably, a number consider it as some sort of sour medication that they really feel required to consume to be able to really feel much better.

If you discover teas way too strong, way too sour or perhaps has not got the flavour you desire, there is no reason that you should continue with the historical methods for preparing tea should your tastebuds find it difficult to put up with it. Should you not locate teas for your tastes, below are a few beneficial tips to change anyone right into a tea enthusiast.

Make it cold or hot. Temperature of water could significantly impact the flavor connected with teas. In the event you are not able to endure the actual robust flavor and also do not add more various other ingredients, look at preparing it cold or hot. Various temperature ranges infuse distinct aspects of the actual teas. But if your tongue favors it mild as well as gentle, iced tea would work in your case. However if you would like enjoy the tea's robust, vibrant flavor, you might like to increase the actual temperatures in addition to serving it very hot.

Consider honey. It is said that when a person experimented with placing honey in the tea in Great Britain, an individual would be jeered out from the their tea store, however, if it is the only method meant for teas so you can get beyond some of those delicate tastebuds, who is blocking you? Honey could possibly be a much better alternative as compared to sugars because your system will accept it far better and you are more unlikely to have adjustments to your own blood sugar levels. On the other hand, it shouldn't only be just about any honey. The most preferred options are raw honey. Organic honey is actually natural as well as consists of maximum nutrition. This sweet taste associated with honey can easily reduce that bitterness in the teas, stimulating your own tastebuds to become much more agreeable.

Squash a little fresh lemon juice. To reduce a tad from the bitterness associated with their teas, consider including a little newly squeezed fresh lemons. Lemons are recognized because of its higher content level of vitamin C. This specificially helps you to boost the absorbing capability from the anti-oxidants contained in the teas. As the mixture of each can perform miracles for your healthy and well being, in addition, it makes a very yummy beverage.

Just a small hint of cinnamon. Everyone knows the key fact cinnamon is a superb flavoring booster. Whether it's powdered or even stick, cinnamon never ever ceases to stimulate the flavors buds. Just what superior approach to improve the taste of teas than incorporating a touch from cinnamon. You possibly can mix your own teas using a cinnamon stick or perhaps include cinnamon natural powder in your boiled teas. Cinnamon by itself also offers many health benefits.

Rejuvenating raspberry. Consuming teas in the summertime is usually refreshing particularly when a person puts raspberry flavoring, however take care not to allow it to be way too sugary. Combining just a little raspberry fruit juice as well as honey to the teas provides it with the distinctive rejuvenating flavor which makes it a genuine thirst-quencher.

Establishing the ambiance. It's absolutely nothing related to satisfying your own tastebuds, however it impacts nevertheless. In order to truly get pleasure from very good teas, arrange a pleasurable environment to help you get in the mood for you to down cup right after cup right after cup. Find the best place where one can be comfy. You should definitely setup a few extremely comfortable chairs so that you can sit down and also unwind. Position a few plants all-around and also why not invite friends along with perhaps play excellent, enjoyable songs.

While teas continue to be best without having additives, there is no good reason that you should be without the benefit of its many benefits simply because your own tastebuds will not permit it. Test these types of helpful suggestions and you might actually be on your own path to well being. Appreciate a cup today!

You can love tea too

"I am glad I was not born before tea." - William Gladstone, British Prime Minister.

What Is Cystitis And How To Cure It?

Cystitis is a disease caused in urinary system that causes inflammation in urinary bladder. It can affect any one irrespective of age or gender but is more common in women. Under this disease patient suffers with frequent urge to urinate and acute pain and while passing urine. There are many other annoying symptoms that actually disturb regular life. The root cause of this disease is bacteria that enter the urinary tract through the urethra - the tube through which urine is secreted.

Cystitis is of many types like, Esinophilic, bacterial, interstitial, radiation and hemorrhagic cystitis. Among all interstitial cystitis is considered as the most injurious to the bladder. It mainly occurs due to bacteria that reside in human body itself that travel up the urethra. Then start to reside around bladder and keep on multiplying their number. Finally they cause infection and inflammation.

As aforesaid cystitis is more common in women, it attacks pregnant women, active women and women after the menopause. Also, there is no specific age for their occurrence. Women section is more prone to this disease for the reason that their urethra is shorter and opens nearer the anus.

Antibiotics are usually prescribed by the doctors as part of the treatment. To control this bacterial infection there are many effective medicines in the market which is showing positive result. Medicines are of course an integral part of treatment but you cannot deny from the fact that few measures have to be taken from your end. Avoiding deodorants, perfumed soaps, bubble baths, etc. are few of such measures to be taken during the treatment. Also, patient should not suppress the urge of urine as suppressing urine helps bacteria to multiply.

Drinking cranberry juice is another way of treating this disease which helps to cure this disease. Many people consume it to prevent cystitis from coming back. This also helps to relieve the symptoms of an attack. Wearing tight trousers is not suggestible as this can create a moist, warm, airless condition around your genitals that will leave you in discomfort. Rather cotton underpants are advisable for soothing effect. Try to avoid drinking alcohol while the attack lasts if you want to make your treatment effective.

Cystitis should not be allowed to be chronic disease as curing them becomes more difficult. Moreover, it increases the chance of kidney infection and in later stage may result in to kidney failure. Hence, thorough check up and treatment is advisable at initial stage.

Bird Flu Symptoms

Doctor's offices are flooded with visitors all over the world these days from people wondering if they have a bird flu symptom. We are all so terrified of any kind of bird flu symptom that some people have even stopped going out where there might be other people.

The recorded bird flu symptoms among humans include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle pains and conjunctivitis. Other kinds of complications for people who contracted these illnesses include eye infections and acute respiratory distress. The most fearsome effect of the bird flu on humans are breathing disorders, such as pneumonia, and other severely life threatening complications that may eventually lead to death.

Some of these diseases can be fatal and spread quickly. One of the short-term outbreaks of recent history was SARS. One of the diseases not yet cured is HIV/AIDS. Bird flu, or avian influenza, is one of the diseases that medical science has targeted as likely to spread from human to human soon, unless a more effective immunization or other cure is discovered first.

Muscle aches are usually the first signs that a person may have bird flu, however it's usually impossible to tell whether or not the muscle aches you are having are in fact a symptom related to bird flu. Here's how you can tell. First of all ask yourself it it unusual that you should be having muscle aches at this point in time? Have you done any exercise lately? If you haven't and there is no possible reason why you be having muscle aches, then there is a chance that it is in fact a bird flu symptom and you should consult a doctor immediately just to be safe.

How quickly is manifested the disease ?

Bird flu should be treated within two days after developing fever of 38 degrees, that's why is so important to measure your temperature.

Severe symptoms that lead to death: The organ which is most affected is the lung and that's why most people die. Some are developing kidney problems and more than a half bone marrow deficiency, so the bone is not producing cells to deal with the infection so the body is overwhelmed.

The two viruses could recombine inside the victim's body, producing a hybrid that could readily spread from person to person. The grimmest scenario would be a global outbreak to rival the flu pandemic of 1918 and 1919, which claimed millions of lives worldwide. For now, researchers are trying to develop a vaccine that would protect people in the event of a bird flu pandemic.

Bird flu is creating a wide spread pandemic in the South East Asian countries. More so, the possibility of it being spread to other parts of the world cannot be neglected. The virus responsible for more than hundreds of deaths has been detected as the H5N1 virus, a subtype of Influenza-A virus. This has been the most deadly bird flu virus till date, since the bird flu generally doesn't attack human beings.